2022 Recap

December 22, 2022  •  Leave a Comment

2022 in a Nutshell

I turned 50. My motto for the year became Fu*k-it Fifty! My family threw me a ridiculously huge surprise party, making my wish to be surrounded by the people I care about come true. I was also gifted a Hang-Gliding lesson. My daughter and her roommate also went hang-gliding with me. Let me tell you it was amazing! The best thing I did all year and probably one of the best things I ever did in my life. I want to go back and do full flight lessons and next time go up to 4000’. It was so peaceful and quiet and calm and not scary at all.


I went up in a hot air balloon

I held a monkey

I played with lots of goats and even milked one!

I did successfully release the baby squirrel in the spring and he made fast friends and moved on.

My sago palms, lemon, lime and banana trees all survived winter. I even produced limes already and the banana trees multiplied to twice as many than I started with. I made tons of baby Monstera plants and have managed to keep all my air plants alive! Progress!


My son entered his first haunted house, which lead to us going to another haunted house.

I hit as many fairs and festivals as possible because I missed them so much. With that being said I have been trying to stay more local and find myself pulling away from the city and dreaming of the west. More like yearning for it. Slowing down this past year has me discovering I am no longer that city girl. The mountains are calling and I must go.

Spent more time sharing our passions together. default default

Explored caves and found a tiny bat!

Got up close and person with bears in Cades Cove.

Hiked trails and collected flowers and leaves to press.

Finally did pictures with Krampus!

We had the first week long family vacation and visited Clearwater Beach, Florida since my son was a baby.

I got to pet a wallaby, visit many Christmas themed bars, cocktail experiences, art classes, took mom and daughter to see Trans-Siberian Orchestra and got to see Joe Rogan live and laugh my arse off at the Fox. Stood my ground on the edge of the pit at a hardcore show and had a spa day with a bestie in a swanky downtown hotel.

That's the highlight reel and for once I don't have a tragedy to post about. I will take that as a good year!






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