Harvest Hunt 2019

December 03, 2019  •  Leave a Comment

The wander woman hiking club decided this month to try something different. Instead of hiking a trail, we met up to do the Oakland Cemetery Harvest Hunt. The annual scavenger that has become my Thanksgiving weekend tradition. This time there was 3 levels of difficulty. We chose the medium and it was still tricky. We managed to hunt out all the answers in 2 and a half hours. A record for me. We also clocked in 3.2 miles so it was still a hike, or as Holly said, a mosey.

Pro Tips

#1 Sometimes there is more in the riddle than what is needed.

#2 They are always in the marked zones.

#3 The map sucks so get your bearings!

The cemetery is gorgeous no matter when you visit. I have been coming here since I was 18 and my high school photography teacher took us on a field trip here. I still have a framed photo that I developed the film and printed the picture in the darkroom from that very day hanging in my house. That photo won me a workshop at UGA and sparked my love of photography and cemeteries. I think I tend to take longer doing these scavenger hunts because I am constantly distracted by finding something I have not seen before and documenting it. Heck last years hunt we took a family photo and used it as a Christmas card. This place really holds a special place in my heart.

This is the very statue that I photographed 29 years ago that I mentioned above. The funny thing is, this is the first time I have seen it since!

Some fo the photographs in this post are part of the hunt and some are just things I stumbled upon while searching. Can you tell which ones are which?

I absolutely love my non-traditional traditions. If you missed the hunt this past week don't worry, they added one in the spring. I haven't done that one yet but honestly I don't need much of an excuse to come visit this place.


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